

"As the scriptures say, 'I will destroy the wisdom of the wise and discard the intelligence of the intelligent.'
So where does this leave the philosophers, the scholars, and the world's brilliant debaters?
God has made the wisdom of this world look foolish."
...1 Corinthians 1:9-20

I read this verse a few days ago, and it keeps popping up in the oddest moments. God's been trying to speak truth into my life and I've been too busy to be still and soak it in.
I tried today-to soak it in- I'm not sure what to think. This is what I've come up with so far:

-I know I've made education a huge priority...it's really important to me. Sometimes it's too important. Paul's saying that all the intelligence and wisdom I glean from school looks foolish compared to God's infinite wisdom. I work so incredibly hard to get A+++++s...and for who? My parents always gave us an incentive of a frosty from Wendy's for good grades, but that only goes so far :) If I put half the time into deepening my relationship with Jesus as I put into school, I'd be a super Christian. How much more valuable. If I studied the Word like I studied my book about neurogenic communication disorders, I would be wise in Christ.

- It's made me question getting my PhD...not that I think God would disapprove. It just makes me wonder what significant things I would be missing out on, while going to school for seventeen years. I need to sit on that one for a while....

-I don't want this verse to be a justification for laziness.

God’s created in me a desire for knowledge. I want to be sure I’m using it for His glory…


Ryan Guard said...

good stuff to wrestle with :)

-the 9th year senior

amarismarie said...

love you, katie! :)

Jon said...

Community (Church or college?)

Notice the capitalization. Eh? Should tell you a thing or two before stomping into the ACC coffee shop without a hallpass.