
The Battle Of The Blog...

So, we're sitting on the couch, and I'm like "Let's start a blog." My wonderful wife's response: "We don't have anything to blog about." After some discussion, we decided that, while it might be completely useless, all the cool people have one. So, here we are.

As we started to navigate blogger, I was getting all pumped about sweet layouts, and colorful headings and everything that is awesome. Katie says: "I like the plain background, and the normal black letters look best." At this point, I'm stressing out because I wanted this sweet blog and Katie is getting all plain on me. So, I asked the question: "Should we maybe just do our own blogs?"

I realize, now, that it probably wasn't the most tactful of questions, but it made me wonder: Is there something wrong with me? I was seriously SO stressed about not getting an awesome brown layout! Is this normal? When couples or bands make a blog, do they fight about what color the font is gonna be?

Anyways, we resolved our issues, and I've come to like the white. We've decided to give this thing a try, and I'm going to do my very best not to fret about the small things.

I leave you with this warning: If you become a religious reader of "Our Blog" (as I know many of you will) please don't hang yourself if you wake up one morning to find "Katie's Blog." I probably broke down and changed to the color of the post titles.


Ryan Guard said...

Welcome to the 2nd biggest cult in America!

Pepe said...

Ahh, so there are advantages to being single and lonesome! I designed my bog all on my own! hahaha. I love you two. So don't argue over dumb crap. Love Pepe. P.S. don't get offended by that. You're not dumb. Love Pepe (again)